Speltz Anti-cable needs break-in period?

I received a pair of Anti-cables a few days ago, and I have been using it for about 10 hours now.

It's obviously less bass, less soundstage, and a bit harsher sound while many ppl say anti-cables sound awesome right from the box.

What do you guys think?
I used transparent music link before.

I hope it gets better soon..
11-07-06: Mrtennis
i have personally experienced a change in sound when i removed the anti cable interconnect from a link between digital source and preamp and connected it to another preamp and cd player.
Mrtennis, if I understand this post correctly, you removed a pair of interconnects from components A and B and then connected the wire between components C and D. If this is true, don't you suppose that a change in sound after connecting the pair of interconnects to components C & D is most likely attributable to the different electronics than to the wire?
when you listen to cables over a period of time, you discern characteristics of the cable.

here is my point. assume you have two pair of anti cables. pair one is passing a signal between components A & B, while pair 2 is passing a signal between C & D. after each pair has been broken in, remove pair one from A & B and compare to pair 2. listen to the stereo system using pair 2 in the C to D link and then substitute pair one in the C to D link. you will notice a difference sonically between pairs one and two, because pair two has been broken in between C & D, while pair one has been broken in between A & B. if you pass a signal through pair one from C to D for about 168 hours, the performance of the two cables should be the same.

in my case, i noticed a brightness after i removed the anti cables from its original link. i don't believe the 2nd set of components are necessarily bright. i surmise that the anti cables, which when unbroken in are a bit treble heavy, sounded that way after i placed them between different components, even though a signal had been placed through them for over 400 hours.
11-07-06: Mrtennis
...if you pass a signal through pair one from C to D for about 168 hours,
the performance of the two cables should be the same.
blockquote>About 168 hours?

Break-in time is about 60 hours for these cables. Paul needs to try out the 10 GA. wire it sounds a little better and he also needs to change from red to a white wire because the white wire sounds better, the color of the wire has an affect on the sound. I heard about the affects on cables over here http://www.belt.demon.co.uk