cable break in

had a friend ask me if after you break in/burn in your cables are they more or less conductive? i would have to say less conductive, but not sure why? does anyone have a good answer?
hemidakota you listen to music or just measure it and talk about it! I've most likely owned more gear and cables then most. I have also talked to many learned audio guru's/owners of cable companies...most would not agree that over 2weeks of 24/7 break-in is beneficial. Most cable designs offer mostly inconsequential differences in the sonic presentation...not overall fundemental improvements. Everytime I have heard a properly setup system with MIT cables, the experience was nothing short of breathtaking.
"Most cable designs offer mostly inconsequential differences [after break-in] in the sonic presentation . . . ."
That has not been my experience, and it has not been the experience of other audiophiles I know.
>>I've most likely owned more gear and cables then most.<<
Maybe most but not me. My post is correct; whether you agree with it or not is due to your lack of experience.
Oh, Stanhifi, its the "cable designers'" opinions, then, and other "anecdotal" evidence or experiences that render others' opinions wrong? Interesting, but not very informative, in my opinion, of course!
Bob P.
What I said is that compared to a well engineered cable like MIT, most other cables offer inconsequential differences. Relativity my dear Stanhifi! I also thought that my newest cable was THE ONE on several occasions. Over time you hear the problems and the similarities between cables...most are operating in 2 dimensions compared to MIT!! Who has the patents??? Did you ever have a cable rig for over $20K and dare to admit it was not the best thing going? I have! I've also owned just about any major cable you can mention..and alot of GIANT KILLERS...all do something...none do it all...MIT deals with all aspects of sound reproduction.