Shunyata Vs. Nordost power cables ?

Hi there,
my post re the Thor Vs. Hydra has died a death.
Hence anyone compared the mains cables ?
I know some people firmly entrenched in either camp, a few enlightened individuals who mix & match but no one unbiased to outline the differnces.
I have been a long time Shunyata user (very happily) but the new cyberlinks are revealing a lack of pace and a darkness I'd like to address.
Really enjoyed some things some Electraglides brought to the equation (with judicious matching) but a) they have no ground and b)the connectors are sad & will not grip - if they don't grip, they are not likely to pass current and won't work to best advantage (imo).
Given Nordosts undoubted build quality, I'm wondering if they could be the answer. I don't like their i/c's or speaker cables but could use some of their pace & space, if held in check by the Shunyatas.
Cheers Si
Tvad & others-

I have 2 Epiphany X cords, an Anaconda Alpha and an Ultra Khan SII Rev on their way from Sanctuary of Sound this week. This silly-expensive 'kit' of cords was part of a trade-in deal for a bunch of other cables and components, so don't assume I am stinking rich (or just plain crazy!).

Anyway, the 'deployment' plan is this:

BPT 3.5 Sig line conditioner - Epiphany X
Esoteric DV-50 player - Ultra Khan SII Rev
VAC Renaissance preamp - Anaconda Alpha
Sim Audio W-5 LE amp - Epiphany X
Talon Raven C speakers - Jena Labs Valkyre spkr cables

In strategizing with Stewart @ SOS and subsequent conversations with Caelin Gabriel of Shunyata (they are next-door neighbors, and good friends), my question was this:

"What source cord and preamp cord would be good companions/contrast to the 2 Epiphany X's on the PLC and amp? Is TOO much of a good thing just too much?"

Stewart agreed, and did some experimentation for me with what he had in stock, then he consulted Caelin. Some things I already knew were confirmed - Shunyata really had no intention for the Anaconda Vx to function on anything other then digital devices. Analog is 'Alpha Land'...but, if a Vx works there in individual cases, then there is certainly no reason to change it. This has been the consistent recommendation that Grant & Caelin at Shunyata have made, especially without knowing a system's characteristics intimately or having gone thru very specific experimentation.

The surprise for me was Caelin's suggestion to use an Anaconda ALPHA on my tube preamp, rather then concentrating on the CD player with a Vx cable. Caelin indicated that in some recent trials with an assortment of cables in their labs, the Anaconda Alpha has proven itself to be unexpectedly beneficial when used on tube preamps.

In my case - I am hoping this will provide a great contrast to the 2 Epiphany X's. My only issue will be the fact that some of my PC's are deliberately very short, and one is a 20Amp'er, so moving them around to experiment on different components will be impossible.

We'll see....
Bhouser, if and when I ever get my Epiphany X cord from Scott Hall (going on two months now), I'll report too. I plan to use it to feed a Hydra 2.

I once tried the BPT 3.5 Sig and found the GFCI outlet really constricted the soundstage. When the other outlets were used, things opened up significantly. Have you any first hand experience with this?

I have Valhalla power cable on my cj prem350. It tightened up the bass and gave the music a quickness and transparency thru the mid's and lower treble. On thing that Valhalla does not seem to have is a lot of air up high in the treble.
I have found that the Valhalla mixed with some TG audio SLVR's seems to give me thye positives of both cables.
I have an original Hydra but never use it as it just thickended and slowed everything down.

If your current cables are lacking in pace and darkness, the valhalla's might be ideal. Buy s/h and if you don't like them sell them again. Nordost cables hold their value very well.

ScottH makes great cables - no doubt. But yes, he certainly has the reputation of being a bear to work with sometimes. I would only buy his cables through Stewart, cause he has serious influence with Scott and can get him motivated like nobody else I know. I don't need the headache.

Any comments on the Electraglide/Shunyata PC combo that we have cooked up? A King Cobra V2 is already used on the CD player, so I can compare it to the UK Rev.

As for the BPT - Are you saying that when you connected an amp to the GFCI outlet that it constricted, whereas the same amp on one of the other built-in outlets didn't?

That is very interesting, and the first time I have heard this. I have followed the manufacturer's recommendations about what outlet to use for which component until now, but I will certainly try some different outlet combos once all these new cables get some break-in time.

In my current house, I don't have enough outlets near my system to run the amp directly off a wall outlet, so it has to run through the BPT - be that good or bad. Yet ANOTHER reason I want to build a new house - More Outlets for 'da systeme' ;^D .
Very nice to know Caelin never intended an Anaconda Vx on anything other than digital - shame he hadn't reached that pearl of wisdom before bringing out the Anaconda Vx first and fitting lots to my knowledge with Nemas ( can something that wiggles about so much actually be called a 'connector') and selling them to power Hydras ?
Still at these prices got to keep the bucks rolling in.
Funny how advice from the manufacturers is always pretty specific BUT they always hedge their bets - whoa, were not saying it won't work for you ????
I love my Shunyatas and the more I try other cables , better the devil you know and can tune so in spite of the above rant, I'll probably just try a few Alphas in the system and once again sublimate the fact I have spent as much on conditioners/cables as components.
I still think it's money well spent as a decent foundation in power cords will make the best of any upgrades or changes.
To anyone still using the original Hydra with the 15 amp slo blow - it's a waste of time.
I had an 8 & was about to sell the original till I sourced a copper slug - the difference is night & day.
The 8 is probably a better bet in that it offers protection the original does not and the old adage - don't shoot the messenger, springs to mind, given the upgrades to my system since those events.
We buy,we try & hopefully we learn from our mistakes.
At least this forum gives us a chance to make informed,inspired or sometimes just insane decisions.
Here in Scotland, I reckon by touring every dealer in the country, I could audition about six or seven brands of power cord, only two being from the states and even these have UK mains plugs with 13 amp fuses.
My first Shunyata came connectorless (a Mojave silver) and when I looked at the the live conductor, I thought why am I paying for this gauge of silver to go thru a sliver of fuse wire that costs fractions of a pence ? How I ever squeezed it into a UK plug, I don't know but it was an utter revelation when I plugged it into my cd player.

Every time my faith dwindles(about once every 3 years), I pull out the Hydra and replace all the funny cords that makes my friends think I'm nuts with the stock cables - it is usually good for a few bars and then drives me to a bar !