Power cords, most effective placement:

I just bought an aural symphonics power cord. Suggestions on the most effective placement in the system. Transport?, Dac? preamp? amp?
Is your power cord new or used? Even so, it will require some break in. I would suggest that you start with it hooked up to your amp since it draws more current. Leave it there for a good 150 hours or so( if new). Once you hear it come into focus, try it with the remainder of your components and let your ears decide which component it sounds best on. Have some fun with this using some of your favorite recordings that you're most intimate with.
I agree with Sherod about using recordings that you're very familiar with. I find break in with a power cord not to be as long as ICs and cables. 50 hours (high current pull) should get you there. Cord placement?: the source of course....warren :-)
The biggest impact in my system from a power cord upgrade (ps audio statement extreme) was with my digital source(scd-1). I subsequently replaced the stock cords on my cj amp (premier 350) and pre-amp (premier 16lsII) with ps audio exreme statements and heard no discernable audible differences.
