Reasonable Cable Suggestions $300

Any suggestions for reasonably priced speaker cables? Also, does bi-wiring make a real difference? System elements:

Proceed CDP
Classe CP-35
Classe CA-100
JM Lab 926

Components are linked using balanced interconnects...

I haven't found a big difference in the biwire but have them. I own 936s which sound very good with Pheonix Gold. I did a shootout and these were the cheapest cables, you may want a thicker cable with the 926s to boost the bass.
Yes, biwiring makes a difference... in the profit margins for cable companies.
Coviellop01, I've been exactly where you are now, give or take ten feet. My first suggestion is to increase your budget and try the MAS Signature Hybrid. They are available with a 30 day return. My second suggestion is Canare 4S11 for $.69/foot from

I've used the Canare 4S11 with nice results, and later replaced it with the MAS Signature Hybrid, which I've now owned for a year and a half and have no intention of replacing any time soon.