Power Cord Flavors

Someone recently sent me an e-mail asking about warm and fullbodied power cords versus neutral, clear and extended power cords. I thought I'd post my opinion, and ask others to share theirs, too.

My system is tubes: VAC Phi 110/110, First Sound Presence Depuxe II, APL Denon 3910

Warm and full bodied in my system=
Purist Audio Dominus w/Fluid
Elrod EPS-3 Signature
Revelation Audio Precept
VH Audio Airsine

Neutral, clear and extended=
Shunyata Python and Anaconda
Electraglide Epiphany
Ridge Street Poiema!!!
Audio Indulgence Alpine Lace
TG Audio SLVR and 688
Z Squared
Absolute power cord

That's a scary list of power cords. I'm kind of shocked at how many I've owned and tried.
my would put my mike wolff silver carbon source into the warm and full bodied department.
A question,regarding Electraglide.My pal,who is obsessed with PC's has recently upgraded his pre-amp connection,formerly using a top($3500 list)electraglide cord,here.He has recently replaced it with an Epiphany,and,as he does with virtually everything he gets,he is raving about the "upgrade" in sound.He has done this on many occassions,with other products,that have proven to be downgrades,and has eventually gotten rid of them,along the way.He has a good ear for other people's systems,but in his set-up,he is overly impressed with advertising hype(though he is changing,a bit).

Do any of you experienced Electraglide users feel there is any REAL merit to moving away from an existing great PC(Electraglide,yet not Epiphany),to the Epiphany,on Pre-amp?Is this a bit of overkill?

He lives in a different state,so I don't get there that much.

Thanks,for any responses!
The answer to merit can only be answered by you after listening in your own system, because each of us has our own idea of the investment/improvement value scale. Almost everyone will tell you the Epiphany is a better sounding cord than the less expensive Electra Glide cords, but only you can decide if it's worth the extra expense.

Also, in my system, changing power cords on my preamp has the least effect of anywhere else in my system. The greatest effect of power cord swapping in my system is realized on the source and amplifier.
As follow-up tp my prior post, in which i raved about the Isoclean Superfocus, I tried swapping the epiphany (previously on my digital front end and preamp) to the amps, and now have the Isoclean superfocus (previously on the amps) feeding the the Reimyo cdp and Nagra preamp.

WOW. I should have thought about this before. After all, the VPA monoblocks are fairly sweet compared to the neutral Nagra PLL (preamp), so it makes some sense to try the more open cord on the sweeter gear, and the slightly warmer cord on the front end and preamp.... The result is a much more natural and enjoyable (less hifi-ish) presentation that is not too recessed or slow (after all the more open epiphany is still in the mix), and yet has tons of air and information, since the superfocus is nearly dead-center in the open/fast/clear versus warm/liquid/palpable continuum and is heavily shielded to be a good fit on a front end and preamp.

In other words, I am tempted to say the Isoclean is smoother and more natural sounding, with rock solid, weighty images, though perhaps with slightly softer bass than the epiphany. Again, I highly doubt my system would sound as good with 100% Epiphany or 100% Isoclean.

As to position, in my system, the front end and preamp are the most sensitive postions as far as power cords and vibrational isolation.
Having tried most of these brands and cords, I would add the Jena Labs One pc to the "warm and full bodied" column. It's more neutral than the Elrod Sig 3 as a point of reference. I use them on my amps but many like it on digital or system wide. Its strengths include strong bass, life-like vocals, and a sense of depth. It's most noticeable trait is a blacker ground. It's my favorite cord so far.