Power Cord Flavors

Someone recently sent me an e-mail asking about warm and fullbodied power cords versus neutral, clear and extended power cords. I thought I'd post my opinion, and ask others to share theirs, too.

My system is tubes: VAC Phi 110/110, First Sound Presence Depuxe II, APL Denon 3910

Warm and full bodied in my system=
Purist Audio Dominus w/Fluid
Elrod EPS-3 Signature
Revelation Audio Precept
VH Audio Airsine

Neutral, clear and extended=
Shunyata Python and Anaconda
Electraglide Epiphany
Ridge Street Poiema!!!
Audio Indulgence Alpine Lace
TG Audio SLVR and 688
Z Squared
Absolute power cord

That's a scary list of power cords. I'm kind of shocked at how many I've owned and tried.
IMO, the main sonic differences between power cables are due to gauge and length. Too heavy of a gauge will darken the sound un-naturally, while too light will bring out detail, in much the same way a dynamic range compressor pushes detail forward, at the expense of 'punch'.
In my experience so far, comparing PC's of different gauges and lengths is very enlightening. After you've established what gauge/length a certain componenet 'wants', then you can fine-tune by trying different wire compositions/strandings/geometry/terminations etc, etc, etc.
You'd be amazed how many times a cheaper cable of optimum gauge and length will blow away the more expensive competition.
As always, JMO.
From the short list of cables I have tried :

Full bodied and warm :

Neutral and extended :
Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler
Full bodied and warm:
Shunyata Python (original), organic, musical sound with midrange bloom,
PS Audio Lab cable (original), but it is also slowing down the rhytmic pace of the music
HT Fantasy AC10 - One I liked this cable, but I was very happy to get rid of it. Too dull.

Neutral and extended:
Nordost Valhalla,
NBS Signiture II,
Elrod EPS-3
Nordost Shiva and Vishnu (both brigthens the sound with a lot of detail at the expense of bass extension)
Siltech SPX-30,G5, lesser extent the SPX 20-G3 (which has a greyish tone compared to the spx-30, G5 model)similar effect like the above mentioned cheaper Nordost cables, but a more neutral way.
From the short list of cables I have tried :

Very good full bodied and warm :
EG Fatman

Very good Neutral and extended :
Synergistic Research Reference

The Bottom very disappointing power cords which did not perform well:

Michael Wolff Silver Carbon
Very bright and thin sounding especially in midrange.

Absolute power cord
Not that dynamic.
Hey Tvad, you want neutral, clear and extended, try a Nordost Valhalla power cord. After only 4 hours of listening, I'm speechless. This is the fastest, clearest power cord I've ever heard, bar none. Granted, I haven't heard an Electraglide Epiphany X yet, but I'm stunned at this point. The Valhalla is MUCH more quicker and agile than the Shunyata Anaconda Alpha that it just replaced on my BAT VK-51SE preamp. Size of the soundstage is incredible! Unbelievable what changing one power cord can do!

Again, it depends what you're looking for. Some will prefer the fuller body of the Shunyata, in fact I traded my Anaconda to the Vahalla seller. He was looking for more musical weight, I was looking for more speed. My system is currently loving the new found speed and clarity of the Valhalla.


John :-)