Interconnect set-up from pre to 2 mono-blocks?

How would I set up my interconnects from my pre to 2 mono blocks? Which input on each block would I use: left or right? Appreciate all responses.
Unless I'm missing something here...if you are using true monoblocks then there will be only one input per amplifier. If you are talking about a stereo-bridged to mono amp then you would need to refer to the owners manual or simply try it each possible way.
Thanks Lugnut, and yes, they are a "stereo" pair to mono.
With both units having 2 inputs, left & right. The manual doesn't give me any instructions, only the speaker cable
set-up. Even my dealer wasn't sure! Their set-up in
their store was bi-amped. I cannot go that way, as my speakers are only single-wired. Thanks, Mark
every stereo amp ive ever owned that ran in bridged mono used the red(right)terminal for mono bridging.
