Cable auditions - Hard Work?

Does anyone find it to be "hard work" to audition cables? I find that I have to be 'fresh' before I can begin to listen to cables. After I begin, I can only listen, with the intensity needed, for a period of about an hour.

As I do A/B comparisons, it sometimes seems, my impressions change as I listen. Sometimes the differences are so small or subtle, that I question if I'm hearing a difference at all. Have I lost it?

How do you folks do your cable auditions? I'd really like to know.

You guys tell me about the equipment:
TRL Marantz SA-14
First Sound Presence delux MkII
Krell FPB400cx
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature (one piece)
Room is treated with 16 Tube traps, of various sizes, placed symetrically around the 13x18 room.

I think the equipmet is revealing enough. What do you think?
Thanks for everyone's help.
Not a big fan of Krell FPB400cx. Have you tried Jeff Rowland?
How about some tube amps?
TVAD - where did your post go???!!!! I saw it here last night, but haven't had a chance to post. YIKES!!!
Oldpet, I deleted it in a moment of deciding whether I wanted to get involved.

Bottom line: 1) your gear seems plenty resolving to me, 2) do you use any power conditioning?, 3) what is prompting you to want to audition cabling?
Hi Tvad

Glad to see you back. :-)
1. It seems resolving to me too.
2. I have never investigated power conditioning. Not really familiar with it or its benefits.
3. Just thinking I might be missing something. I think i'm coming down with "the disease" Adiophilia Nervosa! :( I'm trying my best to keep perspective though. Plus I don't hear obvious differences in the cables I've switched in and out. That's about it.

Thanks for getting back.
BTW - how did you delete a post?