Cable auditions - Hard Work?

Does anyone find it to be "hard work" to audition cables? I find that I have to be 'fresh' before I can begin to listen to cables. After I begin, I can only listen, with the intensity needed, for a period of about an hour.

As I do A/B comparisons, it sometimes seems, my impressions change as I listen. Sometimes the differences are so small or subtle, that I question if I'm hearing a difference at all. Have I lost it?

How do you folks do your cable auditions? I'd really like to know.

As with all things, I suppose if I heard the VAC Phi 110/110 in MY system, and loved it, I would make efforts to aquire one. I must say - the VAC amps and preamps definitely LOOK beautiful. Are the Phi 110/110 amps current production? Web site info?

I'm sure there must be other tube amps beside the VAC which would be sonically satisfactory.

Yes, the Phi 110/110 is current production.

However, this does not answer your question about listening to cables. I believe you need to identify a few tracks that you know well, and listen to them with different wire in your system. Then, you'll be able to identify differences in tonal characteristics converyed by the wire based on specific aural cues in the music.

However, I also believe shopping for wire before you have addressed your power is putting the cart before the horse.
Oldpet, I think there are a lot of misconception about tube amps. They can have just as much slam as SS amp. It really depends on circuit and parts used in the design.
Same applies to SS amp. Jeff Rowland is more refined sound to my ears.

I'm currently using Lafayette KT-550 amp ( a non-ultralinear version of HK citation II ) and HK Citation I preamp with home made cable to drive my 80db ATC SCM10 original version. It has more slam and fuller body sound than the Bryston and your Krell amp I heard with this same speaker. One thing I didn't like the Krell is grain. It drives with punch but lack of refinement. The transient sounded quick but very un-natural. The Bryston just sounded too thin and light weight with my ATC.

Many of the tube amps use low current power supplies, that's one of the reason why you don't get the slam you're looking for. Poor power supply also lead to poor sounding. I stopped by xyz audio shop in NYC and heard the Vac PA90 (with 4 X EL34) with BW 802s. Big sound but very poor bass control. The speakers are drawing too much current where the amp couldn't handle it. This is exactly what I mean by suffering from PSU. Even with expensive cables, it didn't help the sound much.

Unlike SS amps which all have high output rating, proper power output matching is critical for tube amps.