Elrod EPS-3 or EG Epiphany Please Help

I have just secured the Electraglide Epiphany for my Krell KSP-28c Cd Player to replace Michael Wolff Source (Copper). For now - I will keep Michael Wolff Gain (Copper) for the Krell KCT Pre-amp. I am thinking about either Elrod EPS-3 or another EG Epiphany from wall to BPT 3.5 Signature conditioner. I know the best thing is to secure both and try them out and let my own ears be the judge but I just want your opinion which I should try first. Thanks!
If you purchase an Electra Glide Audio Epiphany cord, it will not have a ground. Are you aware of this? Also, if you require repair and/or adjustment to your Electra Glide Audio cord that necessitates shipping to Scott Hall, you may wait months and months, or you may never see your cord again. Is this worth the gamble?

Elrod EPS3 Signature cords sound superb, and I've owned both the EG Epiphany and the Elrod EPS3 Signature. Also, the DCCA Extreme Reference and Extreme Ref-1 cords are worth investigating. They possess comparable body to the Elrod EPS3 Signature with a touch more extension and air, IMO.
I have had grounding problem in the past when adding the REL Stadium III even with the grounding wire. However, the hum went away after disconnecting and carefully reconnecting all cables. I hope the EG Epiphany does not cause a problem.