Best HDMI Cable for Video

I'm looking for opinions for the "best" HDMI cable. Primary function is video, not audio and it will be a short length 2 meters). I'm looking for the picture to "jump off" the screen. My dvd player (ARCAM DV 29) and set top cable box both have HDMI outputs, as does the TV (Sony 60 inch SXRD). I current use a passive power line conditioner (BPT 3.5). I'm looking for some feedback from people who have bought a few or tried a few cables ( so that a person can compare and contrast). Also it must pass 1080P.

Thanks for the help,

Ag insider logo xs@2xsherpa

Here is link to 25 foot silver;

Silver HDMI

There are others on the site, my problem was no 40 foot which is minimum length requirement for my install.

If you buy the silver and run a test against the copper I would like to read a report. Monoprice has 100% refund policy, guess you could try silver and return the looser.
Just ordered the 2M Pangea HDMI with 4% silver plated Ohno copper. Will post my comparison to the Monoprice cable.
I have had a noticeable improvement in video quality using the Supra HDMI cable. The Perfect Wave HDMI cable provides even more improvement, but is more expensive. I notice HDMI cables have a bigger impact on audio than video performance in my setup.
HDMI uses TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling) to send data. In short, each 8bit data value is encoded into a 10bit value before it is send over the "wire".

The encoding is done to minimize the 0->1 and 1->0 transitions: The encoder chooses between XOR and XNOR by determining which will result in the fewest transitions; the ninth bit is added to show which was used. In the second stage, the first eight bits are optionally inverted to even out the balance of ones and zeros and therefore the sustained average DC level. The tenth bit is added to indicate whether this inversion took place.

In order for a cable to uniformly change a video stream that looks "better" or "worse", the random bit changes of every 10bit value would have to somehow decode to uniform changes in the resulting 8bit value. Chances of this happening - ZERO.

An HDMI cable is passive, just wires and connectors. If there is a change in video it was due to some other equipment factor or "faulty recollection".

I'm just trying to save some of you money and time so you can apply them in other areas.

I can't say that I know what "the best" cable is, but Tara Labs makes a very good HDMI cable.