Power Cords

Someone help me understand the potential (if any) sonic effects of power cords. I have seen a wide range of prices for these things. Are they worth it, and what are some recommendations. I have Manley Neo Classic 250's.
Ohhh yes they are worth it. I've experimented with power cords for a number of years. I have recently purchased a Poiema 3 power cord from Ridge Street Audio. I found this cord to have made the most significant improvement in sound reproduction of ANY component, interconnect, speaker cable, speaker or power cord that has ever been in my system. I am so impressed by it's performance that I am in the process of writing a review on it. Like live music? This cord gives it to you. Like the utmost in details? This cord gives it to you. Like thundering, precisely defined bass? Ditto. Robert (the manufacturer) is a genius. I truly cannot say enough good things about his products.
The Power Cord that just blew me away was a Shunyata Black Mamba. I now use Audience Powerchords on my Integrated Amp and CD player.

You take them away and something is missing. Power cords make a nice improvement in most applications.. Give them a try and see for yourself.

Unbelievable but true the last few feet make a difference. It appears to be more than just the voltage it can deliver, the alloy used has a pronounced effect on the sonics in my system. At the risk of repeating what others have said using a particular type cord should be mated to your equipment. I like a silver based cord for the source but larger copper ones for my amps.
Good plug = $3.00(each end)
Good wire = $2.00 for entire high quality powercord.

Total parts price = $8.

Total retail price OK upto $30 using general rule of thumb.

Anything higher priced won't ever give a performance improvement.