Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II ic users....

Hello and Happy Holidays!
Purchased these a few days ago here on Agon and I like what I'm hearing.
What speaker cable are you guys and gals using that have these ic's?
I'm presently using Alpha Core Veracity MI2's that I like but -as usual-seeing if I can move it up a notch.
I listen to rock and jazz.
Speakers are VSA vr 4 jr's so biwiring is mandatory.
I am running the Silver Ref v. 1 from DVD/CD player to pre, and have owned quite a lot of AZ products over the year. I also am running the VS 4JR speakers. I was using a double run of AZ Satori on the JRs. A deal came up on a set of the Verbatim cables made by Paul (I think is his name) at Von Schweikert. They are a flat copper ribbon cable and have a built in jumper to reach up to the top posts on the VS speakers. I personally liked these speaker cables quite a lot more than the AZ Satori. If you can get a loaner pair or by chance find a used pair I highly reccomend them with the JRs.
I would not sell the MI2 just yet, I found those to be excellent speaker wires and you will have to pay quite a bit more to better them. Keep them until you get your new ones and compare before selling them IMO. For instance I think Satori is slightly better than the MI2 in some areas but the MI2 has an addictive midrange that I still think about.

good luck