Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II ic users....

Hello and Happy Holidays!
Purchased these a few days ago here on Agon and I like what I'm hearing.
What speaker cable are you guys and gals using that have these ic's?
I'm presently using Alpha Core Veracity MI2's that I like but -as usual-seeing if I can move it up a notch.
I listen to rock and jazz.
Speakers are VSA vr 4 jr's so biwiring is mandatory.
I also have a pair of Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun Bi-wire speaker cables. They are very impressive! I LOVE them. They are conneted between my Audio Research Vsi55 Tube Integrated and a pair of Proac Response 3.5 floor standing speakers. The Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun cables offer tight, punchy well-focused bass with very clean, natural detail and a 3-d/holographic soundstage. They are very natural and possess wonderful PRAT. They offer the sweet liquid midrange that tubes are known for without sounding slow or bloated. I love their detail and musicality. I am also running AZ Silver Ref II (RCA) Interconnects. But I am switching to a BAT VK300x Integrated, so I will be switching to AZ Silver Ref II Balanced IC's. Woohoo! Gary
I have used AZ Silver reference series 1 for 4 years, then added a single wire run of Hologram series 1. I don't plan on changing, way better than the Nordost I used before. I took advice on the Gon about mixing with Matrix cable, but find all Silver reference much better. I really believe that the one area where sticking to a single company pays dividends is in cables. I liked them so much I have added the Adagio speakers, which are as good as the reviews say and then some.
I use Acoustic Zen silver ref II interconnects in my music listening room (all XLR Bal). Speaker cables are Acoustic Zen Absolute Shotgun (Spades on booth ends).
I have tried other cables, but for me the AZ's sound the best.
When you get right down to it, "it's all about what sounds right to you". We all hear diffently, No two people hear the same (30 years as a recording engineer
has taught me that ... Hell! one week as a recording engineer taught that.)
The bottom line to all this is that Hifi is a very personal thing that comes down to personl taste. I happen to be very happy with my AZ cables, others of you out there are happy with your Cardas, TA, Verbatim or what ever cables your enjoying... That's it...Enjoying. Trust you Ears!