Stupid Question-What's the best way to choose?

OK-Here it goes. The more I read on this board the more confused I get. It seems half the posts here talk about cable manufacturers selling snake oil and the other half completely buying into what they are selling. Are they both right/wrong? I just ordered some new equipment and am not new to this hobby but I'm far from technical. If you want to talk wine I can hold my own with just about anyone. I know if I lay out my component list and musical preferences, I'll get 50 responses sending me in 50 different directions. What does one do if they know they love the sound they've chosen but can't see having to spend ANOTHER fortune on cables they thought they already owned? I'll lay out what I own and it may clarify my previous question.

Source: Cary 306 SACD
Pre amp: Aesthetix Calypso
Amps: Quicksilver V4
Speakers: Vandersteen 5
Interconnects: Magnan Vi, Audioquest Diamond
Speaker Cable: Biwire Audioquest Sterling and Midnight

I'm looking for a common sense approach to this process. Obviously I've made a serious investment and am not looking to cheap out when it comes to sound but honestly I don't have any idea where to begin.

Thanks in advance for any insight.
First off, get dediated lines and install better outlets. Second, install DIY noise reduction. Last, try power cords. I do hear differences in the various power cords but those differences were greatly reduced one I implemented the first two steps.

Happy Listening.
I think the main concern is the price is way too high on cables - but we pay it anyway....

buy used, try em out and sell for about the same price til you find nirvana
Work on getting your new components broke in, also speaker placement and room acoustics play a much larger role in quality of sound, maybe the most important IMHO. I would take your time with this one. You need to read up on room treatments, get educated with this cause the rewards will be better than any wire upgrade. So with speaker placement and room treatments this should keep you busy for the next six months. I think dedicated lines are next important along with power conditioning and this can be done during your room tuning project but go for the room thing first. A few sites you may want to check out are Rives, Tube Traps, Echobusters and Acoustical Solutions as there is a wealth of info for you.
"What does one do if they know they love the sound they've chosen?"

In one word: NOTHING!!!
Hi, since you bought the stuff, I'd advise to properly install your equipment, let the system run and enjoy your music. Give it time to settle. My experience is that being patient and waiting till everything has run in is the hardest past. After a few months you might make modifications in placement of loudspeakers etc to finetune staging etc. The mature sound should be 98% satisfactory. Then start experimenting with other (already run-in) powercables and interconnects. Start at the source, whether interconnect or powercable. This will benefit most, in my humble opinion.