Who is a big high end cable manufacturer

There are so many small one man shows or small companies. So many flavors of similar cables. Who are the top ten companies that sell and make their own cable and have a revenue say over $ 10 million a year. I am sure Monster does, but who else is of that size.
I doubt that there are more than 2 or 3 companies that make thier own cables. Thats the fact. Like VCR's there are only 3 MFG's in the whole world.

They all go to someone like Pirelli Beldan and buy thier stock cables or have them make one to thier specs.

The cable businees has the largest mark ups in the world. They make drug dealers look honest.
Mapleleaf, it's difficult to reply to a comment like yours that groups cable manufacturers below drug dealers. Way out of line.

Charlie 101- Do you have any history with Albert or Robert at all? I have to wonder why you are so critical of these two gentlemen.

I've interacted with both in the past and found them to be outstanding guys. Please, enlighten me as to what the problem is here.....Or are you just a negative guy in general?
Bargain?Blue Jean Cables.Just because you get a "different" sound it is not necessarily better.But having set up systems I have found Cardas to have resolutiion but tame some "etched" sound like that of Krell.I can go nuts just deciding on speakers to buy but cables man you need to be retired with a private jet or RV to get around to here all that's out there.I tell freinds to look for compamies that will allow for 30 day in home and to get as many as possible at once because m,ost of the time I find the results so subtle it really will be depenmd on your rig,in your home,and yopu ears.Cynaclly I say Belden as well.As a matter of fact a tech at Krell said that what he would use though many amp manufacturers say in their lit thatdiffereing cables can make a big difference in sound.Perhapos it's the amps design that makes one sensive to impedance,etc and such while others are less affected.