Who is a big high end cable manufacturer

There are so many small one man shows or small companies. So many flavors of similar cables. Who are the top ten companies that sell and make their own cable and have a revenue say over $ 10 million a year. I am sure Monster does, but who else is of that size.
Bargain?Blue Jean Cables.Just because you get a "different" sound it is not necessarily better.But having set up systems I have found Cardas to have resolutiion but tame some "etched" sound like that of Krell.I can go nuts just deciding on speakers to buy but cables man you need to be retired with a private jet or RV to get around to here all that's out there.I tell freinds to look for compamies that will allow for 30 day in home and to get as many as possible at once because m,ost of the time I find the results so subtle it really will be depenmd on your rig,in your home,and yopu ears.Cynaclly I say Belden as well.As a matter of fact a tech at Krell said that what he would use though many amp manufacturers say in their lit thatdiffereing cables can make a big difference in sound.Perhapos it's the amps design that makes one sensive to impedance,etc and such while others are less affected.
I've noticed Maybeleft3 is sounding more and more like another A'goNer who used to post here more often....Knows little of what he's talking about and nothing of any value or constructive to say, just the same ol' bla bla bla. Very tiring.

As evidenced by THIS image from, I'm told, a competitor who's still trying to get it right, research and product development can certainly take it's toll on final product costs.

What I don't think some folks consider is that with the many or most larger companies, you're buying marketing that also comes with product...in this case, cables. I don't lay any blame on these manufacturers for what they charge for their product. It costs a LOT of money to support product so that enough people buy it to make the business worth the venture. Of course you have to have a decent product too.

As I look at the marketing campaigns of different companies, it seems to me these campaigns are more about image over substance. Again, I'm not sure I blame the manufacturers. I'm more inclined to blame the enthusiast community if there's any blame to be had. Too many folks seem to be more inclined to make their buying decisions based on image...what looks the coolest. This isn't an indictment, just my observation through my lens. We're all at liberty to exercise whatever motives trigger our buying habits. But, what amuses me then is, not all but enough, enthusiasts cry and complain about the cost of "stupid" wire. Cut it out...LOL! At least until you've walked in another manufacturers shoes to know what you're talking about.

Then you have other manufacturers, of whom I'll include RSAD, who endeavor to run a small but no less professional business without much in the way of marketing expenses. I'll assume most of these companies, at least it's true for RSAD, rely on the slower but (what I consider) more sure growth of word of mouth. In other words, we rely on the (hopefully) superior performance of our product to sell itself rather than a high profile or glitzy ad campaign. If the product is good enough, people will talk about it to others which I think is a better testimony.

So, why do some of these smaller companies cables cost so much if they're not investing in advertising. Not all of them do cost that much. These are usually hobbyists with integrity who use Belden or other wire product from manufacturing houses to build their offerings. But then you have others, and RSAD falls into this camp, where we manufacture our cables from the ground up...i.e., we start with a proprietary spec'd and processed bare wire, apply a chosen insulator and have developed a topology and build process that fits the design criteria. Trust me, it's involved and, in my view, everything matters...even stuff other people aren't aware of. Further, and this doesn't mean others who see it differently have a bad consience but, my consience dictates that I would rather have folks spend their money with us to buy actual product rather than product support (read "marketing" ). I think that's a worthy and valid approach for anyone.

EXAMPLE: I know of at least one manufacturer who has no more than $300.00 invested in the their I/Cs. They consistently retail from a retailer for over $3000.00. Is the company ripping people off? NO! Their ads are all over the place, the ads are beautiful, people like the ads and it's a good product...better than many but I'm betting they have an annual advertising budget of at least $200,000.00. Someone is paying for that.

In the case of RSAD, there is no larger manufacturing house that can accommodate everything we do to make our cables the way we want them so, we had to develop and tool up "in house" to make our cables the way we wanted them made. I'm sure there are a few other cable designers in a similar boat. I'm guessing, true for us anyway and by choice, these type manufacturers do not desire to become corporate "BIG". Too many compromises.

While I'm thinking of it....to those who proclaim $10.00 in materials to produce snake oil that fetches a Gabillion dollars for a given cable, shame on you! You speak with great ignorance to make such a broad brush stroke statement.

So, in my view and experience, the most successful, visible and even reputable cable product is not necessarily the "best" performing cable or, as Thorman said, the best value available.

My thoughts anyway. Hope I hit a few nails.



Driver. when you charge 1800 a meter for a cable that cost less than 10.00 a Meter to make, then your no better than a drug dealer. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Thanks for the feedback. Let me add some comments. The reason I initiated the discussion is just this - 3 manufacturers of most cable. 1,000's of different flavors - Baskin Robbins has a long way to go!! Impossible to listen to all. Just the management of a couple 30 day listening test - lot of work. Impossible to remember one cable sound from another if the tests are not done at the same time. No scientific parameters to pick by. Not even a simple chart. Such as "Electrostatic wants - silver strand etc etc, versus Bass reflex wants - heavy copper". Cables are extremely systems dependent making this the hardest component to pick. They also lose value faster than anything else. Coming back to the original question. A big company should be able to support more research, better scientific method for picking a cable without listening to every cable in their line. By the way, it seems people in the cable business think everything gets better in a product line when it gets more expensive. I know many examples of other high end audio products where the top end product is not necessarily better that everything else in the product range, and for sure never the best price value. Any thoughts to a more scientific approach for picking companies and design. How much worse is 99.9999 % pure copper versus 99.999999 % copper. Thanks
Mapleleaf-I find it interesting that you refer to drug dealers when this is a hobby about audio. Is there some hidden agenda here?