Who is a big high end cable manufacturer

There are so many small one man shows or small companies. So many flavors of similar cables. Who are the top ten companies that sell and make their own cable and have a revenue say over $ 10 million a year. I am sure Monster does, but who else is of that size.
Exactly where did I say I support high cable prices?

And how do you know so much about the drug world? You keep referring to that subject line.
Driver, he's the one with the virtual system that resembles a crystal meth lab. Heheh.
TRANSPARENT is the real deal. They have research, employ people, have a lagre building, etc. They have a real business. The upgrdes are real. Some people find them expensive, but they are for the price (they have inexpensive cables)always in my experience been worth every $. PH
The real deal? What kind of research staff do you need to put a network box on the end of a cable with nothing in it?
