Who is a big high end cable manufacturer

There are so many small one man shows or small companies. So many flavors of similar cables. Who are the top ten companies that sell and make their own cable and have a revenue say over $ 10 million a year. I am sure Monster does, but who else is of that size.
"Music appeals to the heart...the emotions, not the intellect."

It appeals to both. There is no qualitative distinction. Sensual experience in the hearing produces thought, no less than an idea.

I was originally in the same camp as those who say "what can an expensive wire do where a cheap one cannot?" I've used cheap copper speaker cables. I've used standard RCA connectors that one would find at an Ace hardware. I've dropped 200-300 bucks on active cables made by an up and coming small operation. And I've recently dropped two grand on a pair of speaker cables and interconnects made by Purist Audio Design--the Aqueous Anniversary line. I'm completely floored at how these cables have transformed my system. They completely destroyed the otherwise admirable active cables. They've totally opened up the sound of my system, particularly in the bass. And they're not yet broken in. So for those who think it's all snake oil, that's a pile of garbage. Go listen to some of these in your system or any of the other high quality brands and see for yourself.

And I'm not in any way affiliated with Purist. I'm just a teacher with an open mind.
Washline, I wish more people would just take a minute to describe their experiences when they've discovered the "real deal." Other people have had the same kind of epiphany (not just a pleasant improvement) with "top" or "near top" of the line products from Transparent, Siltech, Virtual Dynamics, MIT, and Aural Symphonics -- as opposed to the high priced stuff from Nordost, Kimber, Audioquest, XLO, Cardas, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

I'm a Purist owner myself, but that's neither here nor there. I'm just saying that it takes a certain courage and willingness to risk taking a loss on what you already own, to venture into that realm. Getting feedback like yours more often helps others to realize it's not ALL snake oil ;~))
"They've totally opened up the sound of my system, particularly in the bass. And they're not yet broken in. So for those who think it's all snake oil, that's a pile of garbage. Go listen to some of these in your system or any of the other high quality brands and see for yourself.

And I'm not in any way affiliated with Purist. I'm just a teacher with an open mind."
Thanks for posting some useful information. Pabelson also.