With Cary Tube System: AQ Cheetah or Nordost Frey?

Any experience or opinions?

I have an all Cary tube system and have had great success with the Acoustic Zen cables. I'm using single wire Satori speaker cables and the Matrix Reference II interconnects.
Did anyone read the latest review of the Nordost Frey in HiFi+ this month? It's not posted online (or I can't find it at their site) and can't find the magazine locally.

Further, any Frey users notice unusually long burn-in period????

Cruz, what did you use before AZ??
I've had my dealer's demo pair of Frey in my system for some time now. Mine comes off of their cable burner Friday. When I brought home the demos for the first time, they'd spent about a week on the old Nordost cable burner, but no time in a system. For the first few days, they had some obviously annoying properites compared to the Quattro Fil and SPM Reference they replaced. After that, they improved significantly, to the point that going back to the SPM/QF at the end of the week was a definite step down. My cables were burned in on the old Nordost burner for some period of time, and are now on the new Vidar. It'll be interesting to see how the new burner affects the break in.
Thanx steve, so, how would you translate that into required system time under normal conditions until fully broken in??