Which digital cable to use with a Benchmark DAC-1

Looking for a good digital coaxial cable to use with my Benchmark DAC-1. Presently thinking of using the Stereovox HDXV. Do some of you have something to suggest ? Is there as much difference between digital cables as there is between interconnect ?

The transport is a Yamaha MCX-1000 music server.

Thank you
HDXV is a good cable for the money, but I just don't think it is a good match for Benchmark. It is not a very smooth sounding cable and DAC1 is not a smooth sounding dac. I would recommend Virtual Dynamics NiteII. You can try different cables from Cable Company and AZ MC=2 is certainly one that should be added to your list. Since you are talking about HDXV, I suppose your budget is under the cost of NiteII. But once you hear this cable, I doubt you'll want to use anything else. In a long run, I think NiteII is worth every penny. I evaluated NiteII with the Bel Canto DAC2 in my system and it beat AZ Silver Bytes, Stereovox HDXV, WireWorld SuperNova 5+. I never thought there could be that much of an improvement caused just by swapping a digital cable, but that was exactly the case.
Forget the rest - Go for the Kimber Select KS2020.
If you want to know let your music covered with vanilla creaminess, go for the Kimber Select. Period.
The Kimber D60 is the cable I would recommend. It will compliment the clean, clear delineation of the Benchmark without creating any brightness. I strongly disagree that the inexpensive Canare cable would be a way to save money. I found it to be hard, grainy, forward, aggressive and spitty in the treble.
I forgot to mention that the interconnect and power cable you use with the Benchmark will greatly affect the sonics. See my recent review of the Benchmark under Product reviews.
I disagree with you2 guys about Stereovox nothing
under 500 is it's match. I am using the Accustic arts dac mk-3 and the AArts transport .It just gives so much more inner detail .I am using the new balanced model.
with less expensive gear it exposes all the weaknesses.