Can David beat Goliath ?

I'm using Siltech Forbes Lake ic between DAC and amp.

I was wondering what 'little' (= cheap or unknown or underrated) cable could beat this big (and expensive) guy ?

Rest of my system =

-Kharma Ceramique 2.2
-Symphonic Line Kraftwerk (ss int amp)
-Metronome digital gear
-Transrotor Leonardo/ZYX Fuji
-Nirvana SL speakercable

Thanks !

The Siltech (G6) is a very expensive cable. As you know it works best in a top shelf system (like yours). If you are looking to get 98% performance of the Siltech at 1/10 the price, the Pure Note Paragon is the one to consider. Read the recent threads in this forum about Pure Note vs. Siltech.
Try an Oritek X-2 about $700/meter
I don't know if it competes as I have never had these head to head but I do know the Oritek is excellent at what it does
i dont know what is considered "cheap" in this context..but the soundstring cable is very good..does every thing very well, well built, and is reasonable priced ($400 for 1 meter ic, $500 for speaker cables, and $500 for power cord)it is not the cheapest (ie $100 ic's) but it has been used in many $$$ systems that is generally reserved for $3000 per meter ic.

the cable is very high quality from a very large commercial wire manufacture in the usa..
i had used the siltech compass lake between dac and preamp, and switched to the indra, which is not cheap ,but cheaper and better then the siltech.