Help Me Explain Power Cables to my Guitar Friends

Guys, I need some help!

I have suggested to some of my guitar geek buddies that they could improve the performance of their tube guitar amps by replacing the power cords. Now, I know that many here already believe in the qualities of upgraded power cords. But I can't convince my guitar buddies; they won't even try it because they say, "You need to show me some scope measuresments before I believe this 'snake oil' stuff about power cords."

Does anybody know of some way you can "measure" power cords that would "demonstrate" that they can improve performance? Help me out here!
Best way I can think of would be to open up your component and hook a scope up to the DC buss immediatly downstream of it's internal power supply, and then compare noise level and nominal voltage on the buss while playing a constant frequency test disc (or album). A local electronics shop with a recording scope can do it without much hassle.
Power cord manufacturers don't provide this kind of proof because . . . . . .
Happy Listening!
Equipment does exist that can measure distortion, rf, emi but you can't find any test results because no manufacturer of after market high end cables will perform one, much less publish it, because the cables make no difference.
if all audiophiles had guitar buddies to protect us from that which is audiophile b.s., the world would be a better place. until someone makes a power cord with inlayed pearl stars, i'll just use what the labs and studios use...a stock cord.
Ask your buddies if they bought their guitars and strings based on scope measurements! Certainly, before I bought my drums, I had to have them measured with an accelerometer on a scope in an anechoic chamber!

If your friends refuse to simply give a comparitive listen, let 'em be skin off your nose.

Cheers Friend!

Ridge Street Audio Designs