Anti-cables alternatives

Are there any other manufacturer's of magnet wire based cables (speaker and interconnect) other than anti-cables? Some time ago, I purchased some Magwire cables (speaker and interconnect), but I don't think they are available anymore. There were several variations of the interconnects and speaker cables which potentially enabled better "system matching". Haven't tried the anti-cables yet, but was curious if there were any other options. Thanks for your time and assistance.
Redkiwi: nothing wrong with magnet wire thickness for interconnects. It's actually preferable to high gauge (say #14) wire in general, from my experience. The "wrapping" should serve several good purposes. First is the mechanical stability by absorbing vibrations. Second is the practical implementation of shielding, which is a necessary evil with some cables. Last is for protection of the actual wires. Then there is also the aesthetic side of things, which is important to most of us for WAF...
But I won't argue with "success". If bare wires do the best job in your system and you can live with them - so be it.
I don't use the anti-cables, but yes I do find bare cable or enamelled cable to perform very well in some circumstances and to be more naturally dynamic and more neutral than the effect of poly whatsit or teflon. Absorbing vibration is an issue but teflon is rubbish for that job.
Absorbing vibration is an issue but teflon is rubbish for that job.
Quite. For mechanical support one can use wide masking tape (paper, one side adhesive). Both JD & I have done this and it's fine (rather than have the wires dangling in the air).