Lifting speaker cables

Does lifting the speaker cables off the carpeting really make a difference? I'd like your opinions before going through the process. Thanks, Matt.
I have found that floating the cables in water has a greater effect that lifting them. Various dyes may be added to the water to make the sound "darker". Ideally, one should experiment with a combination of isolators and dyes to optimize the sound. Thickeners may be added to tame those darn transient excursions and cologne to improve music that truly stinks. Filling your mouth with water and spitting it on the system also helps. Just my two cents.
Maybe nothing for sound quality improvement, but the cables look neater and cooler sitting on top of the porcelin holders.
Unquestionably, the answer is yes. I wrote a review of the Goertz cables months ago, and, unfortunately, the editor cut out my comments about keeping the cables off the floor. Even the goertz sound better off the floor, SD.
Trust me. I've elevated my cable ever since 1988 and they ALL sound better, comments that say otherwise notwithstanding. I've elevated the MITs, Transparent Reference, Nordost VAlhallas (the ones I've heard the LEAST change from), The Goertz, the Shunyatas (Andromeda and Gemini), and they all sound smoother, with more focus, and better low-level detail. If it can't be heard in your system, then perhaps the polarity is reversed, or there's not enough low-level details coming from the equipment.
When I was the Acquisitions Editor at Fi Magazine in 1996, I went over to Larry Kay's house. He had Wilson Grand Slamms. Dick Brown (Bel) was there, Tom Miiller, Sallie Reynolds and a few others. We were listening to Larry's Bel/Grand Slamm/Jadis/Rockport system, and the upper midrang was great, but a bit shrill. I went over and elevated the speaker cable on top of a book or something and it was easily heard by all present (as I recall, Tom Miiller looked at me and said "Show off!").
It really does make a difference, but the rest of the system has to be "dressed" equally well: no power cords near interconnects, everything at right angles (if possible), as much isolation as possible, damped first reflections (and second). Otherwise, you can easily miss this. I was fortunate enough to have WATTs at the time, a Versa, Convergent and other good equipment that made the speaker cable lifting obvious.
Erider, have you ever experimented with fondue? I'd like to hear the sonic differences in varying the ratio between Ementhaler and Gruyere. And, for dessert, chocolate, of course.

Personally, I am as far as a tweaker as they come...

Still, I happened to give this a try, and I am flat out amazed at the differences it yields in one of my systems. This system is in a room with wall to wall, synthetic (nylon) carpet. The improvements are obvious. I once had to convince my wife I wasn't goosing up the volume every time I lifted the cables.

My other system is in a room with a hardwood floor and wool rug, and it's not so important there. As far as anything goes audiowise, I am a big believer in things being system dependent.

By the way, there's no need to spend a lot of money on doing this. Using can uses drinking glasses, shoes, or whatever else that looks like you can improvise into doing it. The Mapleshade units are nice, but can be made using 3 chopsticks or wooden dowels, and a wooden ring like a napkin holder. Basically, you splay the 3 wooden sticks, using the wooden ring to hold the entire works up, and lay your cable on top.
Well thanks all of you for responding. And while no consensus emerged (does one ever?), it does seem to be worth a try. I've been saving the cardboard from inside toilet paper rolls. My wife's gonna love this. Also, I think it's going to have to wait for some nasty Winter day. Thanks, Matt.......