Lifting speaker cables

Does lifting the speaker cables off the carpeting really make a difference? I'd like your opinions before going through the process. Thanks, Matt.
Well thanks all of you for responding. And while no consensus emerged (does one ever?), it does seem to be worth a try. I've been saving the cardboard from inside toilet paper rolls. My wife's gonna love this. Also, I think it's going to have to wait for some nasty Winter day. Thanks, Matt.......
I have used, at CES, RMAF, in the lab, and in my personnel system for the past six-eight years. In most cases found it to be a sonic upgrade, in some rare cases, I did not experience a positive improvement, or negative. It did noting sonically, but did nothing wrong, and allowed for better cable management and organization. I have in some cases experience a large improvement, in clarity, and focus, tonally was better and a overall better transparent sound. This of course was again on the rare side for such a large improvement, but overall I have on most occasions, would say a small to medium improvement sonically, never bad though.

When you consider the cost vs. risk, I find them a easy to recommend addition, at the least you will have a better organized cable system, at the best another level of musical enjoyment. The cable towers from Dedicated Audio are the best I have used, both sonically and functional, I have also used Cardas blocks.

Yes9, I think you'll find the TP tubes to be a bit unstable as they're small in diameter and too light in weight. As I wrote earlier, I made some from less-than-a-dollar plastic-pipe couplers. To make them more stable, I cut 2 discs from masonite and added abotu an inch of lead shot to the bottoms. Now they're stable.

See Heavy Lifters 2 in this album.

I suggest you test whether you can hear a difference by using CD jewelboxes; after all, they're free.