Request recommended cables for my system.

If anyone has a system similar to mine and has found moderately priced cables, (IC, speaker, PC), with good synergy I would appreciate your input. I like a lively sound with low tight bass and extended highs and natural mids. I listen to a lot of Blues, and occaisionally any thing from Metallica to Mozart.

I think I would rather concentrate on I.C.'s and speaker wire for now because because they may be my weak link?

My system:

Sony SCD-777ES > First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk 11

First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk 11 > Plinius/Spectron amps

Plinius SA100 > bass modules of Von Schweikert VR5

Spectron M11 > mid/treble modules of VSR VR5

Cables I use now are older and include; old AudioTruth Argent and Audioquest Cobalt speaker wire.

IC's are JPS Superconductor +, and Purist Elementa.

PC's are CPCC Top Gun Special to Sony 777, CPCC 20 Amp Model 11 + to Sound Appications, CPCC Model 11 to Plinius, Shunyata Viper to Spectron, Sidewinder Gold to First Sound Pre, also using a Sound Applications power conditioner.

Thanks for any input,
Tvad, I own a number of these cables and have found them all their cracked up to be and then some, so I can't say I ever returned one.

You say the refund was "problematic". Did you get your money back or not? Did you return them within 30 days?

It seems to me, if your going to talk negatively about a product you could at least be specific. You never said why you didn't like them in the first place...
It seems to me, if your going to talk negatively about a product you could at least be specific. You never said why you didn't like them in the first place...
Getheleadout (Threads | Answers)

I was trying to be more subtle, but since you pressed the issue...

I purchased cables and returned them within the 30 days. It took me over two months to receive a refund. I kept one pair of ICs, which I used for a couple of years before I replaced them with something I liked better.

My friend has purchased and returned two RAL products and he has returned both within thirty days. It took him over 90 days to receive a refund for the first item. The second refund is ongoing and is between 60-90 days. The first refund check bounced. The second has yet to be received.

My friend still owns a set of RAL speaker cables.

The products are quite good, but the return process can be a frustrating quagmire and needs to be improved.
Organic and natural?? Tvad is right on by suggesting Purist Audio interconnects. They are highly detailed yet render a superior musicality that I have heard in no other cable at any price. The Ridge Street Poiema!!! are also an excellent choice if you are looking to improve detail and dynamics.

Thanks for all your responses. PAD cables may be a good choice. The only experience I have had are with my PAD Elementa's which are older than dirt and they were the bottom of PAD's line. I had to send them back to Jim Aud once because the fluid inside had evaporated? He refilled them, but now it seems there is very little fluid again,(You can see through them if you hold them up to a bright light to see the fluid). Has anyone ever had this problem before?
P.S. I especially agree with 6ix_6ixty_6ix in the sense that it is an "emotional need to be closer to the music".

I too have listened in total darkness and it does seem to help to get into the music without analizing your gear.

By the way, 6ix_6ixty_6ix, how did you know I had OCD? Has my audio shrink been talking with you??!