Speaker cables to go with Pass Labs XA160

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can make a speaker cable recommendation to go with the Pass Labs XA160. Becuase of the slight warmth and laid back nature of the Pass I want to get cables that are neutral, fast, and dynamic. My speakers are Usher BE-10. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, I dont want to spend mega bucks either so please keep recommendations below $1500.

Thank you....
Thanks everyone for the response.

Boa2, yes my system has changed considerably. I will be updating that soon.

Nsgarch, the XA amps are smooth sounding but definitely on the warm side of neutral which is a bit different that their SS amps.

jafox, your comments are very interesting. Can you explain what you mean by non-linear? So the peaks in the mids give the AA too warm of a sound? You think the Opus is more neutral?
I agree w/ Jafox about the PAD AA. IMO, it's a step down from the Opus and Venustas (which are basically identical in my mind -- but don't tell Albert I said that ;--)

I haven't heard much of anything about the Purist Anniversary which is EVEN MORE than the Dominus! Has anybody bought them?
What do people think if Synergistic Research? I understand they are very neutral. I am looking at the Resolution Reference X2.
Neutral, fast and dynamic are the exact characteristics of the Virtual Dynamics line, especially Revelation. I have had both Au24's (excellent value, but comparitively weak at the bottom) and Venustas (a veiled, slower, "20th row" sort of sound) in my system at various times over the past year or so. The VD Revelations are just in a totally other league, in a positive way. Keeping in mind your $$ constraints, I would look for a used set of Virtual Dynamics Master series here on A'gon.

I am continually amazed by the amount of sheer MUSIC these cables provide, unlike anything else I have heard, at any price. Great dynamics, musicality, etc., etc.... And no, I have no connection with Virtual Dynamics; its just in the right system, they are THAT good, IMHO.

Hope this helps.
On the day you ordered the amps (10-12-06), you mentioned a 3-4 week lead time. One would assume they have not arrived yet so how can you assume the XA-160 are "laid back"?

I assure you they are anything but laid back.

Also, why even think of changing cables until you hear the amps with your speakers and existing cables?

Disclaimer: Pass retailer