Speaker cables to go with Pass Labs XA160

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can make a speaker cable recommendation to go with the Pass Labs XA160. Becuase of the slight warmth and laid back nature of the Pass I want to get cables that are neutral, fast, and dynamic. My speakers are Usher BE-10. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, I dont want to spend mega bucks either so please keep recommendations below $1500.

Thank you....
On the day you ordered the amps (10-12-06), you mentioned a 3-4 week lead time. One would assume they have not arrived yet so how can you assume the XA-160 are "laid back"?

I assure you they are anything but laid back.

Also, why even think of changing cables until you hear the amps with your speakers and existing cables?

Disclaimer: Pass retailer
thanks fplannar2000: I will defintiely look into the Virtual Dynamics

Audiofeil: I apologize..i did not mean "laid back" to be a bad thing. Perhaps that was an unfortunate use of words on my part. My apologies. Maybe adjctives such as "smooth", "refined" would be better. As for my ability to comment on their sound, I auditioned them extensively before buying, having heard them paired to Sonus Faber, JM Focal Labs, and Audio Physic. Of course I am not an expert like you Audiofeil since I am not a dealer.

Regarding changing cables...I am in a bit of a quandry since my current cables are terminated with banana plugs and the Pass only takes spades. I will most likely use the Cable Co. to audition a bunch of cables.

thanks again.
Fully understand. Here's an excellent example of how words (smooth, laid back, refined, etc.) can have different meanings to different people. I do not think "laid back" is a bad characteristic but at the same time I wouldn't attribute it to the XA series; however refined is very good IMO.

I believe your XA-160 will sound superb with the Ushers. I have been a tube guy since the late 50's (and still am) but the XA amps replaced a pair of SET's in my personal system.

Good luck with your cable hunt. I have my favorites with the XA series; send me a private email if you wish to discuss.