Audioquest Sky/Evrest or Purist Dominus/Anniversar

I have for the moment cables for my systems: Audioquest Sky interconnect Balance and Evrest Speakers cables and Power cables Elrod Satement.

I have envie to update to the Purist Audio: Dominus ferox or 20th Anniversary Interconnects/Speakers & Power Cord ?. Any comment or recommendation for this crazy and expensive decision ?.

Thank you.

Hi Razen,

I have recently gone through what you are thinking about. I upgraded my IC's from AQ Sky to both the Purist Anniversary (from CDP to Pre) and DOminus Ferox from pre to amps. These IC's are a definite improvement over the AQ Sky. The most significant improvement came when I added the Purist Anniversary IC between the CDP and Pre. The music did not lose anything that the SKY gives you, but it became far more coherent and tonally realistic sounding (best way that I can describe it). And this was with the Sky still between the pre and amps. I then subsequently replaced Sky between the pre and amps with the Dominus Ferox IC. System was even better, but the change was not as dramatic as adding the Anniversary. I was also using the AQ Kilimanjaro speaker wires. I have replaced those with Prana Wire Cosmos speaker cables. These are quite good and complement the Purist IC's in my system extremely well. (I haven't heard the Purist speaker wires but I am sure they are great as well). I also use Elrod Statement PC's on my amps - and they are staying. I have auditioned the Purist Dominus Fluid PC on my CDP and pre - and while it was good, it didn't improve my system sound - just changed it. I am now auditioning the Purist Anniversary power cord - this is a definite improvement compared to the Dominus Fluid cord that I heard - I like what I am hearing so far in my listening tests on my preamp. Hope this helps.
Fjn04 Thank you,

My System:

Analog,KLYNE 7 Phono Preamp, VIOLA Bravo/Spirito
Amps/Preamp, AERIAL 20T Speakers, AUDIOQUEST Sky/Evrest Cables, SOUND APPLICATION, ELROD Statement/Signature
Power Cord, SOUND ANCHOR/SYMPOSIUN Stand/Platform.

Thank you.
On my system, Purist cables sound dark - not necessarily closed in, just dark, and not very lifelike. The midrange, is just oh so drippy smoothe. I tried all kinds of cables, and Audioquest Sky and silver speaker cables sounded very, very, real. I checked out Anti-Cables and the sound was nearly the same. I am using Anti-Cables..they are a no brainer. Some people say twisting them is better, I did twist them, but found that straight was better.