some simple questions about cables.

Hi from Italy. could you please anwer me:
1. when i see witten "interconnects", does it mean both cable between cdp-pre and cable between amp-speaker?
2.if so, can the same interconnect cable model be used both between cdp-pre and between pre-amp? Or are there different kinds of interconnects for different usage?
Thank you

You may want to re-read the first question.

Interconnects are usually the low-level cables that carry a signal between source and pre-amp (or source and input to an integrated amp) or between pre-amp and amp.

Typically the cables used between amp and speakers are called speaker cables, not interconnect cables.

Yes, you can buy the same brand and sometimes the same model of interconnect cable and speaker cable, but there is no reason why you would need to use the same brand for both.


Speaker cables are NOT interconnects. Speaker cables go from the amp to the speaker.

Interconnects go from the CD, Minidisc, etc to the preamp or to an integrated amp. Interconnects are used to connect an amp to a preamp.

Speaker cables and interconnects are 2 different cables.
I would like to add that there is a synergy between manufactures cables. No disrespect but I have found that mixing brands can effect the sound / resolution of a system. I started with Kimber cables which were great (copper). I introduced Siltech interconnects which was silver /gold. My system suffered and I couldn't figure out why, I had spent good money for what I thought wowuld be a upgrade. Spoke to the local dealer and he impressed upon me the fact that I was using different metals which created a smearing effect. When I replaced all the Kimber with Siltech I regained the clearity and warmth that I was accustomed to. So be careful whether it is interconnects or speaker cables which are different don't mix metallurgy. I try to stay with the same manufacture for all my cables, including digital which is a different kind of interconnect but not mention by any of the responders. Happy listening
Oregon, You definitely got it right. Succinct without a lot of flowery nonsense. Were you Italian in a past life?