Audioquest King Cobra or Similar Cables

Do any under $200 cables such as King Cobra make a night & day difference or immediate difference in the audio sound or is the difference subtle at best? I just got a Musical Fidelity X-10 V3 Tube Buffer which I love & am wondering if its worth spending up to another $400 on 2 pairs of expnsive (for me) cables? If the difference isn't one I notice imediately, then it wouldn't be worth me buying. Any cables you recommend besides King Kobra at this price range (even if used)? Thanks
Feel free to ignore Allan Blissett's post.
The cable denier's posts are rampant, but your ears should be trusted.
Only way to know for sure is to buy a pr. USED. Listen to them in your system and get familiar w/their sound. THEN, buy something else and compare. You might to the conclusion that there are better IC's which offer more refinement and sound more musical. I own an older pr. of AQ Quartz IC's which I've used and enjoyed for many yrs., but they show their short comings when placed in a revealing system.
Go to and then call them. They have a cable lending library where you can sample lots of cables. Judge for yourself.

How am I cable denier, I never said cables don't make a difference. Belden is a cable also in case you don't know.
Why don't you give it a try, if you have less than four thumbs.