Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
RE: my posts 4/14 and 3/17 regarding bass response - decided to do a little investigation of my source - APL 3910 that had just come back from a laser repair. Turns out the volume on the DAC board had somehow been set very low - increasing it brought back the dynamics and bass that I had been lacking and missing(I had to first find, then READ the directions to change these settings using a separate remote) - it was a hunch that definitely paid off - I got tired of moving the 400# speakers in search of more bass, etc.

What I am hearing now is really nice - full, tight, and deep bass integration with great mids and highs, excellent depth, imaging and a "rightness" to what I am now hearing that I got a slight taste of before, but now have the "whole enchilada" so to speak. I have just been grinning for the past 2 hours. For some reason, I'm now getting hungry.....

Thank you Ted and others for all your help - I was a little hesitant to report my findings, but figure that if this helps one other person having a "system problem", its probably a pretty good thing...
Just tried the T2 after 4 days on my Audiodharma cable. Definatly an improvement over the Electraglide Epithany X that I was using on my Preamp .

T2 compared to the Hologram A on my Preamp...???

You guys were right! The T2 on my Preamp is better than the much more expensive Synergistic Tesla Hologram A.
The Hologram A seemed to have too much upper bass boom, the T2 settled in nicely with a big soundstage.
That's one of the things I like best about SR cables/products you don't have to purchase their most expensive cables to achieve the best results...
I had a similar T2 experience yesterday. Took my T2 (and my PowerCell, but that's another story) to a friend's house to try on his cdp and phono-pre. Both pieces were connected to the grid with pc's that retail for $2100 ea. In both instances the T2 was the "no-brainer" cord of choice. Almost 75% less expensive, very flexible and weighs next to nothing... what's not to like?

In the 3 systems where I've tried the T2, there was a characteristic they all shared... the T2 helps create a more frequency balanced sound top to bottom. Bass, especially, was taughter (but not lean) and more transparent. We noticed too that nothing was spot lighted... it was all just there very clearly without any murkiness between performers and their instruments. One more thing... there was a coloration to the sound, but unlike I've heard with other cords (and this seems to be one of the hallmarks of the Tesla line)... and this coloration was that of each instrument, not the overall sound.

When 'philes mention colored sound, typically they're refering to the overall sound imparted on their system. With the T2 in the mix we heard the individual color of each instrument. Voices and instruments sounded very different from each other. Their individual characteristics were there in spades.
Since the T2 power cord proved to be a good match for my Preamp over the Hologram A power cord and thus saving me money, should I also consider a lower model balanced interconnect to be used from my Preamp to Amp or stick with buying another Apex?

What I have so far;

Hologram D power cord on Digital
Hologram A power cord on Amp
T2 power cord on Preamp
Apex interconnect from Digital to Preamp.