Opinions on Mogami Cable?

I wanted to get some opinion on Mogami Cable. I am considering building Biwire cable with Mogami 3104, RCA interconnects with 2524 and some Video cable with their 75 Ohm cables. I come from the world of pro sound and Mogami has been around for a long time but I don't see to many posts about it. It seems that when I check out most major cable manufacturers you get a lot of marketing blah blah blah without a ton of wire specs. On the Mogami site there are specs without any marketing hype. So am I on the right track here. Will Mogami ring true for me? Same thing sort of applies to Canare wire. Opinions please?
Mogami and canare are good wires. The usual marketing hype of the ""Audiophile"" cables will make any rational human crazy.
Yeah some cables are worth a few extra bucks and do change the sound... but then you might just LIKE the sound of home-made Mogami etc. (This is for all the cable nuts that will pounce on this thread after I say Mogami is just as good...sigh.)
I personally own some homemade interconnects with 1980 Mark Levinson wire, Some 1990 RadioShack 8mm pure copper wire, Some 2005 Belden teflon coax suggested by Jon Risch,... And a few Kimber AG and a few other $100 cables.
I just cannot find a use for kilobuck cable BS. (Which is rather more in line with exotic stuff in any field, where the glamour is as important as the actual usability)
And yeah, the kilobuck cables can sound better... But why bother? Spend the money on the basic equipment!!!
Mogami will definitely get the job done. Oyaide PA-02 is more refined, and still doesn't cost much in the scheme of things.
Just got some Mogami 3104 and Canare 4S11 to compare the two as speaker cables

RIght off the bat - the Mogami copper is much deeper in color. Closer to a reddish copper while the Canare is more yellowish copper.

The Canare does not claim to be OFC so this may be the reason for the color differences.

Compared to the Canare 4S11 the Mogami has more conductors and each bundle of copper is composed of 7 bundles of smaller strands.

Wednesday will be the night to listen to the Mogami and will report back.

Running these two channel to biwire Aerial 10Ts
I use 25', single ended mogami cables to feed the QVC amp for my bass horns. (I have a lot of pro gear in my system.) They have low capacitance which makes them great for longer runs.

My Doshi preamp and phonostage are wired internally with Canare cable.

Do a search on Mogami or Canare and see how many folks are using these products.