Bare naked or...?

Is there a big difference between bare speaker cables over terminated ones? Can anyone tell me if really terminations can effect sound quality a lot? If yes, what is the most common problem? Also, squeezing bare cables on tighten bolts can "compress" or "compromise" sound?
Thanks for any suggestion from a confused audiophiler.
Can anyone tell me if really terminations can effect sound quality a lot?

As long as the contact resitance is low then no...not at audio frequencies.

Of course, a but a bad contact can be a problem. A loose wire or a loose pin in a socket can also be a problem. Occasionally a solder joint will work loose...a cold solder joint is expecially prone to this.

Compressing wires in a binding post should not normally be a problem unless the wires are physically cut (and it can work loose).

Proper termination will help prevent Oxidation. Oxidation will be very climate dependent... if you live close to the sea or on a houseboat then you can expect more oxidation problems. Proper termination of the wires with solder can obviously help reduce oxidation by preventing mositure entering under the cable jacket at the junction.
Ok, but does oxidation occours on the whole cable or just on the termination point? Nordost uses air in their cables to improve speed, is that he case or maybe I'm just mistaken?