Audio Horizon Cables? As good as the AH Preamp?

I read with interest the thread on AH Preamp and the upgrade service provided by Arthur Chow. Was wondering how good are his cables compared to his preamp? Any first hand experience ? Your feedback is much appreciated. Happy listening. TQ


Love the $195 cable by Audio Horizons. Its surprisingly well made think of $1,000 cable construction and sound to match.
Audio Horizons offers a trial on their cords and cables with money-back return if you try them and not like them. Try one in your system and let your own ears be the judge. Their cord might sound great in my system and not so hot in your own.
Sherod, I would love it have it for trial period. Unfortunately I doubt I will qualify for it due to my foreigner status. Anyway, what cables did u replace? Can u describe the positive changes you experienced? Happy listening. TQ