How significant is a power cord upgrade?

I've got a Primaluna integrated tube amp and I'm considering upgrading the power cord. How significant is it compared to upgrading speaker cords and interconnects? Just wondering if I'll notice the same positive effects.
Every improvement in audio has its genesis in power delivery. Better power delivery results in better sound.
I upgraded the power cord on my Threshold T-200 to a top of the line Synergistic model, and I was absolutely astounded by the improvement in the was not subtle...dynamics, clarity, dimension and nuance. My local dealer was kind enough to let me take home a number of cords and try them in my system...and there is something to be said for doing that rather than buying on advice...system synergy is key. The power cord actually made a bigger difference in my system than speaker wire.
No doubt ther's a positive change for the better,but its not easy unlees you can find a lender with multiple cables.This will make life a lot easier to you and you wallet....Its not always about the highest price either.. Its what works for you,and your system...