How significant is a power cord upgrade?

I've got a Primaluna integrated tube amp and I'm considering upgrading the power cord. How significant is it compared to upgrading speaker cords and interconnects? Just wondering if I'll notice the same positive effects.
No doubt ther's a positive change for the better,but its not easy unlees you can find a lender with multiple cables.This will make life a lot easier to you and you wallet....Its not always about the highest price either.. Its what works for you,and your system...
I was a power cord skeptic about 5-6 years ago. I still can't explain why they should affect the sound. However, I am now of the mindset that the power cords affect the sound, good or bad, more than interconnects or speaker cables do. As always, YMMV.
Mcpody is right: every cord will show an immediately audible difference and sometimes dramatically better and sometimes even worse than stock cord. Trying out several different ones is the best way to go. I use Cardas Golden and they work for my systems.
I just ordered parts for the VH Audio Flavor 2 power cord. Looking forward to hearing the differences.
Tried 3 or 4 power cords on amp, cd player, pre's , etc. . Made no difference whatsoever. Have had your good experience with speaker cables and ic's however.