Any "musicians" in the bunch?

I was just wondering how many of us play a musical instrument and how often and what type of music and whatever else you want to share.

I USED to play piano, trumpet and some guitar, but it has not been in my life in many many years.
I am looking into peddle steel guitars. Any peddle steel fans out there?

Abysmillard, I used to live in a neighborhood in CA where "someone" played the most beautiful bagpipes on the weekend mornings. It was wonderful. Are you in the US or where the bagpipes are a little more traditional?
I still play a little guitar. Not very good anymore but it's fun and relaxing. I think Jack Benny used to joke he had to practice the violin an hour and a half a day to be BAD. It's no joke. I took a music minor in college and played classical (decades ago) and now I just fiddle on an acoustic every once in a while. My "guitar heros" now are John Hurt, Rev. Gary Davis, and Lightnin Hopkins. John never leaves the key of C , Lightnin never leaves the Key of E, but it makes no diff because they get such a groove going.

I remain,
I play drums. I still have the Ludwig Vistalites I bought new in 1975. Don't play a great deal anymore. Haven't played out in a few years. I mostly play at home with the headphones. My favorite artist to play is Led Zeppelin.

I also sing and fronted a blues band in the early 90's. Most of my singing now is done in church.

I would like to get more involved in playing music but time is scarce. My time dilemna has not been helped at all by a reoccurance of a vinyl addiction which I thought I had shaken some years back