Any "musicians" in the bunch?

I was just wondering how many of us play a musical instrument and how often and what type of music and whatever else you want to share.

I USED to play piano, trumpet and some guitar, but it has not been in my life in many many years.
I am looking into peddle steel guitars. Any peddle steel fans out there?

I still play a little guitar. Not very good anymore but it's fun and relaxing. I think Jack Benny used to joke he had to practice the violin an hour and a half a day to be BAD. It's no joke. I took a music minor in college and played classical (decades ago) and now I just fiddle on an acoustic every once in a while. My "guitar heros" now are John Hurt, Rev. Gary Davis, and Lightnin Hopkins. John never leaves the key of C , Lightnin never leaves the Key of E, but it makes no diff because they get such a groove going.

I remain,
I play drums. I still have the Ludwig Vistalites I bought new in 1975. Don't play a great deal anymore. Haven't played out in a few years. I mostly play at home with the headphones. My favorite artist to play is Led Zeppelin.

I also sing and fronted a blues band in the early 90's. Most of my singing now is done in church.

I would like to get more involved in playing music but time is scarce. My time dilemna has not been helped at all by a reoccurance of a vinyl addiction which I thought I had shaken some years back
I play the piano, but unfortunately it is in storage for the next year while our house is being built. I'm tempted to buy a small electric piano to tide me over. I had a friend that played the peddle steel--neat instrument if you are into bluegrass or dawg music. The Stones used it on Honky Tonk Woman and a few other songs I believe.
I play double reeds (bassoon, oboe, English horn, krummhorn). Played with second and third tier symphonies for several years, did some studio work in Nashville, and several zillion hours with amateur chamber groups. Can play piano just well enough to pick our harmonies or hymns.

I've made a living through music for 3 decades. Play and teach guitar, write, sing and produce.
I've made a living through music for 3 decades. Play and teach guitar, write, sing and produce.
Short bio: Soloist with NYC Chorus at six. First decade: first paying gig at 16. Played countless gigs, toured USA and England, recorded two albums for Mercury and CBGB records. Second decade: wrote and produced jingles and background music for TV shows. Third decade: Developed a unique teaching method and teach guitar privately full time. Fourth decade??? Contributed a song to the CD "Year One" to benefit the families of the WTC victims. Hope to reconnect as a singer/songwriter anywhere my work is appreciated.