Any "musicians" in the bunch?

I was just wondering how many of us play a musical instrument and how often and what type of music and whatever else you want to share.

I USED to play piano, trumpet and some guitar, but it has not been in my life in many many years.
I am looking into peddle steel guitars. Any peddle steel fans out there?

I play double reeds (bassoon, oboe, English horn, krummhorn). Played with second and third tier symphonies for several years, did some studio work in Nashville, and several zillion hours with amateur chamber groups. Can play piano just well enough to pick our harmonies or hymns.

I've made a living through music for 3 decades. Play and teach guitar, write, sing and produce.
I've made a living through music for 3 decades. Play and teach guitar, write, sing and produce.
Short bio: Soloist with NYC Chorus at six. First decade: first paying gig at 16. Played countless gigs, toured USA and England, recorded two albums for Mercury and CBGB records. Second decade: wrote and produced jingles and background music for TV shows. Third decade: Developed a unique teaching method and teach guitar privately full time. Fourth decade??? Contributed a song to the CD "Year One" to benefit the families of the WTC victims. Hope to reconnect as a singer/songwriter anywhere my work is appreciated.
Started playing drums when I was 7 years old and played professionaly through college. Some of my favorite drummers are Tony Williams, Jeff Porcaro, Vinnie Colaiuta, Steve DiStanislao, Billy Higgins and Elvin Jones to name a few....believe me I could go since there are so many burning players. Haven't played out in several years and don't even have a kit set up in my house since I am using the spare room for a dedicated listening room (DW kit in storage collecting dust) Can play a little piano and have recently taken up guitar (purchased a Vintage Guild Dreadnought)....but when I really get the urge to hit something I break out my African Senegal Djembe and get a quick fix. Yes, I do miss playing but also find great joy by exploring all different styles of music through a high resolution system right in my house...what a great luxury we all have.
Oh, I play guitar mostly acoustic,badly and a little bit of electric that's even worse and I have a keyboard I can't play.
Always been a frustrated musician and always will be.
Slide guitar-Bruce Kaphan.
thanks, Ben! I have never heard of him, but went to Amazon where you can sample some songs. Nice...