Any "musicians" in the bunch?

I was just wondering how many of us play a musical instrument and how often and what type of music and whatever else you want to share.

I USED to play piano, trumpet and some guitar, but it has not been in my life in many many years.
I am looking into peddle steel guitars. Any peddle steel fans out there?

thanks, Ben! I have never heard of him, but went to Amazon where you can sample some songs. Nice...
I've been a trumpet player since 12 yrs. old. I was the typical " band freak " or "band puke" as the other kids called us. I played in orchestra,marching band,stage band,everything.I even started up a local band ,playing for different gigs ( proms,parties,etc ) focussing on music at the time that had brass in it ( Tiajuana Brass,Blood,Sweat and Tears, Chicago,etc.)We were all young and sassy,thinking we could make it big,but we all went our separate ways.After high school,I was about to be drafted so I joined the Coast Guard and played as lead trumpeter for four years.After military,started college,put the trumpet away and have only played occasionally for special church musicals and events.Recently started playing again at the request of my wife. She plays piano and writes Christian music.A prominent Christian record producer recently auditioned a tape of some of her songs and liked what he heard, so he wants her to record a CD.She has asked me to play my trumpet ( expensive Bach Stradivarius ) on a few of the songs, so how could I refuse. I am now trying to break away from the stereo system for a few hours in the evenings to get my lips back in shape.Well,time to break away for a little practice...
I have absolutely no talent, except that, if there is any truth the the saying "it takes one to know one" I must have a remarkable talent to indentify a lack of talent.
I sing small chamber works and large choral classical. If you're in the Baltimore area, we are performing again with Dave Brubeck in March 2003. The last two times we performed with Dave it sold out months in advance, so subscribing is recommended for the best seats.

Decent guitar player & vacalist, half assed bassist and drummer, Some formal training . Did the high school party rock band thing to the bar band thing, to a little studio stuff. Have not played out in years. Acoustic & electric guitars and amps, full drum set (my son's) in the house but barely pick up anything nowadays although can't seem to make myself sell any of my guitar stuff.