Any "musicians" in the bunch?

I was just wondering how many of us play a musical instrument and how often and what type of music and whatever else you want to share.

I USED to play piano, trumpet and some guitar, but it has not been in my life in many many years.
I am looking into peddle steel guitars. Any peddle steel fans out there?

Decent guitar player & vacalist, half assed bassist and drummer, Some formal training . Did the high school party rock band thing to the bar band thing, to a little studio stuff. Have not played out in years. Acoustic & electric guitars and amps, full drum set (my son's) in the house but barely pick up anything nowadays although can't seem to make myself sell any of my guitar stuff.
I play clarinet and a little sax, and just got a killer bass clarinet for a gig this summer. I'm glad that I kept it going, as it has allowed me to play in Japan and Europe, and next summer my wife and I will get to play at St. Marks and St. Peters in Italy.

As to whether or not I'm a musician - that question I will defer to the audience!
I play off and on with bands that mainly do early "classic rock". Currently, I use several electric guitars and tubed amps suited for classic rock: custom shop '90 Fender Strat & Telecastor, '90 Gibson ES-335, '87 Rickenbacker 12-string amped through a '70's Fender Twin Reverb and late 80's stereo-60 Rivera; acoustics: (Taylor 810 and Martin HD28)guitars. The bands I've play with do covers with a lot of vocal harominies, i.e., CSN, Hollies, Beatles, Guess Who, etc.

My pet emphasis on presentation, which irritates sound guys and sometimes, band mates, is to limit miking amps, drums, and instruments through the PA system, so as to capture the unique vintage sounds AND locations of guitar/amp voicing and stage locations for the listening audience...most small to medium-sized clubs will accomodate this. A personal favorite location to hear great non-PA mixed live "guitar" bands is to visit any number of small bars on "Music Row" in Nashville to hear top-notch studio musicians ( a lot of these guys play for tips when their regular gig with national artists are "on vacation").

And yes Angela, I am a fan of steel guitar too...I just listened to Neal Young's "Harvest" and "Comes A Time" tonight!
I played guitar in rock n roll bands from '69 to '72 while in high school and college. Played Hendrix, Stones, Cream, Beatles, Santanna, Who, etc.,etc.
What a blast. It was great to be able to hear your favorite music, live (not by the original band of course), all the time. Plus you really get "into it" when your playing it.

At least I can still enjoy that stuff on a good sounding system.