What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?

What is the funniest or dumbest HiFi related thing you have ever done?
The dumbest thing I did was to buy a used Nakamichi tape deck. When I could not get it to record consistantly I sent it out to be repaired. When I got it back I realized I was not using it right and it had been working the whole time. I know, I'm not real bright!
I'd been experimenting with homemade p/c's made by a friend of mine who swears by them. I put one on my Classe CDP-1, it worked well at first, then I went on a 2 week vacation. When I returned, the cd player kept shutting off. I would turn it on, it would play for 10 minutes or so, then shut off. I forgot about the p/c. I contacted Classe and they sent me an RA#. To make a long story short, they could find nothing wrong with it. They shipped it back, I've been using the stock cord ever since, no problems. I felt stupid for shipping the unit and waiting a month, when I should have tried to switch the p/c in the first place.
The dumbest thing I did was that I sold my Linn LP-12 with Micro 505S and AKG P8ES 15 years ago. Fortunately, I did not sell my LP collection. I am now just starting to get back to analog again.
I once watched a friend of mine run the outputs of an Aragon 4004MII into the inputs on a Rotel pre-amp. Whenhe turned the amp an it fried the Rotel. I mean flames came out the top of the unit. Now, I know that your all just thinking that that was stupid. Now, for the funny part: he was a custom installer! To this day I always recheck everything he does when I help him out on a job.
I will report only the most recent idiotic thing: I listened to my Genesis 500's, which have their own bass amps driving the 3 woofers per speaker, for 3 weeks with the bass amps turned off. That's right, there was NO bass information coming from these speakers for 3 weeks, yet I didn't notice that the amps had been turned off (possibly by the house cleaner) and instead kept moving my listening chair, turning up the gain control on the back of each speaker, messing with different CDs, etc. Finally, last Sunday night, a light bulb went off and I looked at the back of the speakers again. DUH!!!
The funny thing is, there is a LOT of bass information that comes out of the midrange drivers. The speakers really didn't sound bad at all. An ARC VT-100 Mk III drives the top part of the speakers and really they sound pretty good as minimonitors. I guess I didn't need to spend all that extra $$$ to get full-range speakers after all. I was too ashamed to admit this to anyone, till I saw this thread today.
This spring, I tried to convince myself that I could listen to CD/SACD as my only source. That was a stupid waste of money and time. I actually knew better, since for years I had been analog only. But I had sold all my gear and albums a few years earlier, and thought that I would just go with the CD and new SACD format. I couldn't do it. So now I am re-building my LP collection, and enjoying it on my Teres 245 TT. Sold the CD/SACD player and all my CD's. This is really a follow up on the earlier stupid mistake of selling my LP collection in the first place.