What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?

What is the funniest or dumbest HiFi related thing you have ever done?
The dumbest thing I did was to buy a used Nakamichi tape deck. When I could not get it to record consistantly I sent it out to be repaired. When I got it back I realized I was not using it right and it had been working the whole time. I know, I'm not real bright!
A few years ago my mother did some laundry during her visit and since it's was warm day, she decided to hang the laundry outside. I wasn't home to help her so she made a cloth line using my Kimber interconnect cables. I didn't realized my cables were missing until a few weeks later seeing it tied to a post and a tree.
I was wondering why my shirts were brighter.
True to style, I have beheaded a number of cantilevers, a Sumiko BPS @ least 10 times-- at the end, I was offered reparation for free (by Mr v Den Hul, no less, taking pity on me). Fortunately I never killed my expensive Clearaudio.
Better still, I lived for 2 weeks w/out real bass below 83Hz (2nd amp was not operating), without catching on. Not only did I not realise that 8 woofers were not moving, I found the sound very clear -- but a bit thin -- all of a sudden. Even better, I was SWITCHING ON the amp, without checking if it had actually powered up!!! It couldn't, it wasn't plugged in the mains
I FIANLLY caught on that the lower register was lacking and was considering speaker placement yet again, when my wife called me one day, frantic, to tell me that the "black amp" wouldn't light up...

So much for these here "golden ears"... and to think that people regularly provide me with components for my "erudite evaluation". You bet :)! So now you know...
I used a blow dryer on the midrange of my old LFT-VIIIs and then spent $200 for a total of 1 meter of purled interconnects. Oh wait, I'm supposed to do those things....

How about buying bottled water on a rainy day? I'm sure that's the penultimate sign of a civilization hurtling towards self-destruction.
Suits: pls confirm that it was audiophile-approved sparkling water (is there such a thing as audiophile- approved water? audiophiles usually approve of vitaminous fluids)
Greg, Greg, come now .....! Even you approve only of AC and DOC. Suits is right though on one point: A cicilisation, drinking bottled mineral water instead of the above on ANY day, rainy or not, will certainly be doomed. No where the hell did I put my cork screw??