Cable elevators

Hi. Would anyone like to weigh in on cable elevators, and whether or not they believe there is any audible difference with those speaker cables off the floor?
Yeah, they work! If you have a synthetic carpeted floor such as nylon, that is one large mass of poor dielectric. Lifting all cables off that surface will sharpen the focus, so to speak -- should be quite noticeable if you have a revealing system. If you have hardwood floors, I personally wouldn't bother.

I believe any elevator should be a natural substance, ie wood, ceramic, etc. Mapleshade has a very simple design that works well enough and isn't too expensive, so give it a try and let us know!
Sure would, Ask Dan at Dedicated Audio about his cable towers and the white paper to back them up. Ask how many thousands he has sold. Check out the great reviews on them.
You want the best, start there. Check out
I was a skeptic, but have found they make a shade of difference in the clarity I hear....not life-changing mind you, but an improvement nonetheless....I use the ceramics sold all over the place....
I use ceramic made a big difference on carpeted floor. Would hate to not have them in my system. When I see systems without them I think in my mind how much clarity is missing. Most dealers use them what does that tell you.
Amen walkelin!the differance from glasses to cable (ceramic)was not subtle for my system.corrected timber,bass definition,put more air of transperancy in system will never be without!