Cable elevators

Hi. Would anyone like to weigh in on cable elevators, and whether or not they believe there is any audible difference with those speaker cables off the floor?
For many this is just too far to go for realism. I have found that ceramics are imperative on every cable but only one per cable. To me this suggests that resonance is not the problem resolved but rather electrical charges. On my long 4 m. ics from line stage to amp, I use one of my tripods with an insulator on top.
I ordered a set of the cable towers from musicdirect and couldn't be happier- thanks for recommending them Valleyplastic. Although I haven't listened with and without them for comparison, they keep the wires in order. Happened to notice that Signal Cable sells a set of 8 for a great price, but I don't care for their looks compared to the Cable Towers. I'm in no way affiliated with musicdirect, cable towers, or signal cable.
I completely agree that elevating certain cables above carpet improves focus and dynamics.

Does that apply to well shielded cables with network boxes such as MIT and Transparent? Do you raise the network box as well?

Thoughts appreciated.