Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?

I'm once again changing speakers, so I'll need two sets to shotgun biwire. I'm tired of seeing the prices asked, and the recommendations made, for multi-thousand dollar products.

I don't know if I'm interested in going the Home Depot extension cord route either, though.

What about low-moderate priced wire that sounds good without the high price tag? Something full, big sounding, extended without being bright, with a good soundstage?
LOL What was that song refrain? oh yeah, "You don't piss into the

Most of the time people spend a hundred grand on audio is because they are
in a sucker rut. My system cost less than twelve grand. Set up against one
notch less than an Audio-Note system can be, mine wins hands down. Silver
everything, oil capacitors, and a $140,000 price tag can't make up for the
power and finesse of my system.

Start with the speaker. The Apogee Scintilla is argued to be the greatest
speaker ever made. The amps I am powering it with play with it's 1 ohm like it
was a toy. My preamp, by the same builder, is second to none. I am sure of
that. At least it has trounced all comers.

My source, including an Audio Note DAC is a meager affair that has received a
great fortifying operation by the same builder. It is in the power supply, and
cap choices that make the difference.

There are relatively few outright geniuses in the audio world. Some just don't
make good businessmen. That's why you haven't heard of them, or know
their triumphs. In audio, just as with anything else, a large part of your
system success is due to who you know. I am a lucky audio freak.

Back to cables. The Anti Cable SC is NOT the last word in cable making. It's
just better than almost anything else out there, regardless of cost. And that
ties neatly into what I was saying above.
Better than almost anything out there?

No one can make such a claim without having personally heard almost everything out there in a number of varied systems.

How about better than almost everything you've personally heard in your system. That's a little less hyperbolic.
I am going by my experience, and the heaps of other people's testimony. I can prove to anyone, any "insulated" cord, regardless of cost, will spit.

People owning Scintillas are big on ultra thin silver or copper ribbons. I am going to try one within the week. I found a source that gives me yards of .003" ribbon already coated with urethane, which is what I was going to do anyway.
Audiofeil, I guess you are the authority on everything and we should all listen to you. In any case, please don't hijack my thread into a pissing match. This was supposed to be about alternatives to expensive speaker cables; not the best equipment available in high end audio. Let's come back to earth.
Alan Yun of Silverline Audio is adamant about using only pure copper on his speakers. Everyone seems to have a strong opinion one way or the other.