Power Cord Revelation

Help me understand. I just upgraded my Rega Saturn stock power cord with a VH Audio Airsine. My God!!! I'm still shaking my head in amazement. I'm now a believer that the PC is the most important cable, starting with the source component.
jayctoy, your comments about PCs making a difference is interesting to me. I have the Pass Labs XA160s and I have found PCs to make a very subtle difference, perhaps a bit more dynamic. I expected this as most amps have massive power supplies and filters. I don't pretend to understand what is going on here. I would love to hear your thoughts on what improvements you heard on your amps with a new PC? By the way, thats one thing about this hobby I love/hate...everybody has a different experience.
Mootsdude I too was amazed at power cord results and did some research into it (MIT cables white papers on their website was one area of use to me as was the Equitech website explanation of balanced power.)I believe NASA and military reuirements have also pushed forward "noise reduction" techniques and Bybee Electronics and Shunyata discuss this as well. To my knowledge MIT has been an 'early adopter' of technologies for noise reduction and has numerous patents supporting their efforts. Like you I find the benefits wonderful.
I found the biggest differences are on the source, preamp and power conditioner. Different power cords on my amp has a little effect on my system. The PC for amp is the last PC cable to get to fine turn the improvements on the other components.
Tboooe,I also wonder before why my Pass Lab X250 did not
improved much,when I replace the stock cord,that time I
am using the CPC model eleven,I just got exactly what you
described,I remember on one thread Pass Labs dont really
benefit much on replacing their stock cord,I dont know
why?Like I said maybe Audience powerchord and DCCA ref1
will do the trick..I believe Pass Lab are good amplifiers.
I switched to tubes though..
With my Pass Lans x350.5 I have a Virtual Dynamics Rev2 power cord on it and it is a big improvement over a standard cord. The improvement is in dynamics and bass texture.
I also have My Amp plugged into a dedicated 30A circuit.